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  • Confession Times

    • Saturday: 4:15 PM to 4:45 PM
  • Adoration Times

    • Wednesday: 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM Please Join Us! All are Welcome!!
  • Morning Prayer

    Morning Prayer at 8 AM on Monday through Friday.
       Please Join Us!

  • Mass Times 

    Sunday Mass Schedule
    • Saturday: 5:00 PM English English EN Vigil
    • Sunday: 8:00 AM English English EN 10:30 AM English English EN
    Upcoming Holy Days
    Ash Wednesday
    • March 5: 9:00 AM English English EN 7:00 PM English English EN
  • Today's Readings

  • 2nd Sunday Young Adults

    Welcome, old and new members of the St. Agnes Young Adult group!

    Join us in 2 weeks on Sunday, February 16 after 10:30am mass for fellowship and lunch. We will be meeting in the lower level of Church, now that the carpet renovation is complete. For lunch, heart-warming lasagna and chicken tetrazzini will be served by Chris Bullock. Please pitch in garlic bread, salad, side dish, or dessert by clicking on the Logo above.

    Discussion Topics:

    Before the holidays, we brainstormed discussion topics to bring to our group to engage in lively discussion during our gatherings, it's also an opportunity to learn and grow a deeper connection to our faith. If you have a topic idea, please share! Any questions or concerns, please call Justine Chaille at (253) 882-9456.

    About 2nd Sunday: 

    2nd Sunday Young Adult Gathering and Lunch is for Young Adults (approximately ages 18-35) and adults who still have young children at home (gathering and includes Child Care). The 2nd Sunday Young Adult Group has been formed at St. Agnes to socially and spiritually connect both young adults and families with young children (even if parents are over age 35). Helping young adults & families of our parish to connect and get to know each other is the primary goal. Please try to RSVP so we will have enough food & babysitters.

    Looking forward to spending the afternoon with you and your family! Stay safe and warm.

  • Great New Year's Resolutions

    Are you looking for a great New Year resolution?  Why not check out The Bible in a Year, The Catechism in a Year, or The Rosary in a Year from Ascension Press.  I have done the Bible and Catechism, and I am signed up to do the Rosary in 2025.  I highly recommend them!


    You can start with day 1 and continue with 1 new episode daily and end a year from now or you can do multiple episodes and end on December 31st. Each episode is about 20 minutes long, so not a huge time commitment.

  • Get FORMED Content

    Visit signup.formed.org

    Enter Our Parish name or zip code 47448 to find & select our parish & register with ​your email.

    Enjoy good Catholic Content. Once you have an account, you can download the App to your smart phone, tablet or TV & enjoy Safe Family Friendly Catholic content that even your Kids/Grandkids will enjoy! 

  • Praying the Rosary

    Please Join us for 

    The Holy Rosary 

    at St Agnes 

    In the Youth Barn every Wednesday at 6:00pm


    In the Church on the First Saturday of every Month at 4:30

    For Daily Rosary, there are many recorded "Praying the Rosary" available.
    One option:ROSARY Online 

    Join the Seminarians every Tuesday at 8pm on the Bruté Facebook page for a live Rosary by clicking this picture:

    To Donate to Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary Click here

    You can also click our Liturgy Tab for the Hallow Rosary video that used to be on our Home Page.

  • Religion Classes - Join Us!

    Sunday Adult Classes


    Our identity As Catholics means that we are the inheritors of the deeds of holy men and women who for 2000 years have built a great civilization and spread the Gospel throughout the world. Church history is not just the recitation of popes, people, places, and events; it is a story of adventure, intrigue, rebellion, reform, and devotion. This story is our story; this is our family. If we know our past, and how we fit into the story, we will be better prepared to face whatever may come in the future.
    Join us for a 20 session study on Catholic Church history starting September 15, on Sunday mornings, 9:10 – 10:25, downstairs in the lower level of the church. It is ok if you can't make it to all 20 sessions, just come to as many of the sessions as you are able. 

    We would love to see you there!

    St. Agnes Religious Education

    Sunday morning 9:00-10:15 

    For information about Preschool through 5th Grade Classes, contact Therese Chamblee at 812-325-9527.

    For information about the Junior High and High School Program, contact Adrianne Spahr at 812-327-9470.

  • Wednesday Night Youth Group
    The Group typically meets in the Youth Barn from 6:30-8:30 PM. We meet every Wednesday so put it on your calendar! Please join us to pray the Gospel, enjoy snacks & play games!   Bring a Friend!

    See you on Wednesday!

    Sunday MEN’S Group 

    Our Men's Small Group is held on Sundays, in the PLC House following the 10:30 a.m. Mass. 

    You will be fed, we'll have a great discussion concerning a current moral issue, and you will be part of our brotherhood seeking to be disciples of Christ. We'll be sure to wrap things up by 1:30 p.m. each week. 

    Men of all ages are welcome! 

    Questions? Contact Deacon Russ. 812-988-6995. We’d be most happy to have you join us!

  • St Agnes Prayer Chains

    Praying Hearts: call 812-325-7944 or email: [email protected]

    St. Agnes Ladies Guild:  [email protected]

    Parish Prayer List Printed in the Bulletin: (make sure you have permission from the one being prayed for since their name will be printed...respect their privacy, don't assume they won't mind): call 812-988-2778 or email
    [email protected]

    Book of Prayers: Located in the Church.  You are welcome to come here and add anyone to the Book of Prayers located in the Church. Church is open Monday - Friday at 8:00 AM for Morning Prayer & again on the Weekend at Mass times. Please also join us for Prayer at any of these times, we would love to pray with you and support you with community prayer through this time of need. You can also come anytime we have Adoration & pray before the Blessed Sacrament.  Watch the Calendar & home page for Pop-Up Adoration times!

  • What does it mean to be Catholic? 
    How do I join the Faith? How do I get Confirmed?

    Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith?

    Do you want to learn more about our Catholic faith and the process to join the faith? Or maybe you were raised Catholic, but never received the Sacrament of Confirmation & want to now as an adult.  

    Please call Deacon Russ at 812-988-6995 and he can explain the process.